The above could be saved as MyScript.scr and run from within a blank new drawing using the AutoCAD SCRIPT command. C:\Drawing3.dwg (load 'MyProgram.lsp' nil) (c:M圜ommand) _.qsave _.close C:\Drawing2.dwg (load 'MyProgram.lsp' nil) (c:M圜ommand) _.qsave _.close The basic structure of such a Script would be: C:\Drawing1.dwg (load 'MyProgram.lsp' nil) (c:M圜ommand) _.qsave _.close Since AutoLISP runs in the Document namespace, evaluation ceases when another drawing becomes active however, an AutoCAD Script file will continue to run until all commands in the script have been issued, or the script has been aborted. The Script is merely used to open each drawing, load & run an appropriate AutoLISP program, and then save & close the drawing, before moving onto the next drawing file.
In my experience, the best way to batch-process multiple files is using an AutoCAD Script file (.